Woman in bath with wine glass relaxing

Live slower they say.... that's all good and well but can they tell that to my three little girls, cocker spaniel, two cats and workaholic husband.  Or can they at least send a cleaner?

Let's be honest there is very little Buddha about my life, my home resembles a kids playground and Cbeebies on replay sounds more like a zoo than a sanctuary  - but it doesn't mean I'm not seeking chill and zen every day. And for me that's actually a big part of bringing the chill - it's an every day act - it's not reserved for a night when the kids are in bed...it's something I bring in all day long, every day!

Here are my top 5 Ways to Bring Chill & Zen...

1 - Get the Aromatherapy Diffuser On (grab yours here).  It might be put on in the morning for some fresh vibes or the evening for some chill or when I am doing a yoga session.  But the act of choosing essential oils, thinking about what I need for my mood, and making it up gives me a special moment....

2 - I haven't given up candles, they're a very important part of my day.  I love nothing more than the flicker of candlelight, the smell of a burnt match (no lighters here) and the slow pace it takes on.  Try lighting a candle at your workspace in the day or by your bed when you are out the bath, or even in the kitchen after an evening meal - it offers a little moment of reflection wherever it flickers

3 - There is nothing that makes my soul more alive than a morning coffee in the garden come rain or shine!  Okay so we have built a covered pergola for this very act but it's amazing.  I like to wake before anyone else, throw on a kimono or a dressing gown and head into the garden to start the day...Zennn!

4 - Music. Music. Music. It changes the environment and my mood instantly. I turn the TV off - and choose a playlist.  Sometimes it's chill, sometimes its classic, sometimes its lively but it's always awakening for my mind & emotions.  Check out our Spotify Playlists for some easy listening

5 - Walk.  I have a dog so I have a good excuse...but seriously walking in nature is my number one go to for some chill.  I feel so much better afterwards and throughout I consciously try to note my surroundings, what I can smell, what I can see....in the hope that my brain gets a rest and my senses get a lift!

Some days I manage a lot of this - some I don't....but I'm always looking for those zen moments...