Supersize Your Locks: What Rosemary Oil Can Do For Hair Growth!
Rosemary oil is like a superhero for your scalp. It stimulates blood circulation, which means more nutrients and oxygen reach your hair follicles. And we all know that happy follicles equal happy hair! Plus, rosemary oil has antimicrobial properties that keep pesky dandruff at bay. Say goodbye to those pesky white flakes and hello to a healthier scalp!
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How To Get Smudgy: A Guide to Smudge Sticks
Using a smudge stick is as easy as pie (or as easy as eating pie, because let's be real, eating pie is pretty darn easy). First, you'll need to light the tip of the smudge stick until it catches fire. Then, gently blow out the flame, allowing the herbs to smolder and release their aromatic smoke. Think of it as a mini bonfire for your bad vibes.
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Christmas Essential Oil Diffuser Blend
How to make your home smell like Christmas naturally and what essential oils to use for a festive home fragrance.  We love a good natural fragrance and we get particularly excited about essential oils at Christmas time - here are our favourite essential oils to use at Christmas for that perfectly festive natural feeling at home.
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